Thursday, May 12, 2011

love. . .

    Well, my weekend and week have been incredibly uneventful. I spent the weekend hanging out in the apartment and it was good for me to just rest and try to get some energy. Tuesday night we had a big salad party with a very special treat of dried cranberries. It was so fantastic. Today Rachel (one of my roommates) left and Lindsay's mom came (still no baby :( ) So uneventful is good and relaxing.
   I'm about to turn 2o. I was pondering this while I was looking in the mirror the other day (not something I do very often here because there is only one small one in the bathroom for the whole house so I can now completely live my life without one) anyway this isn't really what I thought I would look like at 20. This isn't really where I thought I would be in life at 20. But I don't mind I love this journey God has me on. I love that I am already achieving dreams. I love that I am okay with my looks and my body. I am God's and He is writing my story and directing my journey.
   So there is only a month of school left! Crazy! I cry like everyday now because I'm not sure I can live without seeing my beautiful wonderful kids. Every day one of them does something and I consider that I may never see them again and I cry. Pathetic but true. Anyway here is a list of things I love:
I love giggles
I love when they don't know the word for something in English and they try to explain it "Teacher it is this it is one. . ."
I love reading them stories and the looks on their faces as I read
I love getting stickers
I love getting pictures
I love hearing "Teacher Brittney!"
I love watching their faces when I speak in Portuguese (outside of class of course)
I love when the boys link arms with me (normally 6 at a time) and walk me to class (I also love trying to make it through doors and up the stairs like this)
I love hearing "OH Teacher"
I love seeing smiles
I love when they tell me they love me (especially rodrigo because he does this silly blowing a kiss deal)
I love getting kisses
I love giving kisses
I LOVE hugs
but most of all . . .

   Workshops have been great! I'm doing so many different classes now that it's crazy! I must say, once I find a book to work with, I can plan a fantastic lesson like it's nothing! I love it!  Last week I didn't do quite as many as normal but we learned to be available. This week we've done David and The Giant, Mrs. Rosey Posey and the baby bird, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? All of them went great!
   I started leading Opening Session for 1st - 5th with Emily this week. Emily does the talking (about the character trait and Bible verse) and I do the song leading. I love children's songs! I'm teaching them Arky  Arky a verse a week! 

He wouldn't let me take a picture of just him so here is a group picture and he is the boy that is not Hugo ie the tall skinny one. He is pretty quiet and is a really sweet kid but his best friend is Hugo so sometimes he gets into some not-so-great stuff. Regardless, he is very intelligent and pretty sweet. He wants to take over his dad's business when he gets older. He has to leave his house at 5:30 every morning and travel 2 hours to get to school - that's commitment! So, needless to say, he works hard on his school work. He's a great kid and awesome to have in class!

I love you guys!

Love your emotional, loving, singing girl,


1 comment:

  1. You may think that you will lose touch with these kids in the near future but you can't even imagine the ways in which you've touched their lives. They will remember you for the rest of their lives.
