Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"this trip will change your life."...

Bom Noite,

Change is most definitely in the air for this girl! 
I let my food touch and it doesn't even stress me
I'm very flexible and don't feel the need to plan so excessively anymore
I'm learning (slowly) the spirit of the rules
I really like beans
 I'm liking the color pink - pastel pink
These may seem minor but they are good steps for me!
      It was a very relaxing long weekend last weekend! We had no school on Thursday and Friday for Easter so we had a Jane austen fest. Lindsay, Rachel, Emily, and I moved all of the couches over to Jeff and Lindsay's and watched the 6 hour Pride & Prejudice on the projector! It was awesome!
    The church had a big Easter breakfast Sunday morning and that was pretty yummy. I didn't get to go where I normally go because they didn't want me riding the bus alone in case there was too much Easter traffic (overprotective thing again) so I went with Jeff and Lindsay and it was fun. 
    Sunday evening we had a big Easter dinner. We had green bean casserole, pork, mac n cheese, rolls, blue berry cream cheese muffins, cinnamon rolls, and I made a cheesecake! That was an adventure! There are no graham crackers here so we bought these dessert crackers and figured they would be a good substitute. WRONG. They don't stick together. so I almost destroyed the cheesecake but it was super delicious so all is well! After dinner, we colored eggs and then went on a hunt for them. It was really fun! Then they gave Caleb and I Easter baskets! It was really nice.


I really hate going up to roof to hang my laundry, especially when there isn't that much. I have hung clothes on every hang-worthy surface in my room to dry. . .laziness and brilliance both at their peak :)


     I don't know why I haven't laid in the hammock before now but now that I have I may never lie on my bed again! I'm currently spending all free time in the hammock with Wuthering Heights (great book).

     Well a new schedule was finally decided upon for me!
Monday: my regular classes (3-4 English, 5-6 English, 7-9 English), tutoring Emmanuella, legos, 1st a workshop, 2nd a workshop.
Tuesday: regular classes, tutoring Emmanuella, legos, 3rd workshop
Wednesday: regular classes, legos, 1st b workshop, 2nd b workshop
Thursday: regular classes, 5th workshop, legos, 4th workshop, tutoring 2nd, English meeting
Friday: regular classes, legos, tutoring 1st, tutoring 2nd
I'm pretty happy with it! Every night except Thursday I get home early enough to cook dinner and such! It's kind of perfect!

 Here is Hugo Felipe from last week

This girl is super funny! She is very strong willed and very smart. Her English is perfect. She is very opinionated, too. She always weighs in on the group conversations (actually she tends to run them). One time, Hugo Felipe made her mad so she grabbed him by the ears and took him to the principal. She is really funny but she is incredibly sweet. I've run into her in public a couple times and she always runs over and gives me a hug and kiss (custom). She came to the states once and hated the food. She thought Taco Bell was tapioca and almost puked. At least she can laugh about it now. She is fantastic to have in class! 

Quite the opposite of Mariana - Yasmin is quiet but still incredibly smart and sweet! She is very religious, when I asked what something was that they did every day she wrote "read my Bible and pray" for a 7th grader especially that's dedication. She has great style! She often wears plaid, chucks, and other fun clothes. She doesn't like to stand up in front of the class or talk out loud in group discussions but she is slowing coming out of her shell and she always has helpful and intelligent things to say. I love having her in class!

Tonight, I'm going to give Kosheena another shot! Hopefully I don't get sick!

Love you all!!!

Love your relaxing, little bit lazy, happy girl,


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