hey hey hey,
Brizilians in general say "oh" a lot. They say it kind of like we say "so" and the kids are no exception. The students have a particular habit of saying "oh teacher" in a particularly cute and whiny way. So, I have decided to say it back just as whiny and I've discovered that it actually works! Next time you're feeling the need to manipulate to get what you want just say oh before the name and sound cute and whiny.
Friday morning I went to Guadalajara to do some advertising for the English classes (it's a big deal to be an American I felt like a celebrity with kids following me around, taking pictures, and drawing me things) anyway I got lost in my own thoughts (typical me) and missed my bus stop. So as soon as I realized it I jumped up and yelled "aqui!" (here). The driver looked at me like I was crazy given that it was not anywhere recognizable. I jumped off and started walking east. I walked east for 10 minutes and realized that couldn't have been right. So, I walked west. I walked west for quite awhile, tried to call someone but ran out of credits for my phone, and then finally I found my city! It has been particularly hot lately so I was pretty sure I was dying. I had told Carlos to meet me at the bus stop but he was late so I waited 20 minutes without shade and finally saw his face! We proceeded on to go into public schools which don't have air conditioning and are seriously hot. After walking all that time in the sun and then standing for hours in schools without being able to cool down, and having forgotten my water bottle I was considering the reality passing out. It sounds dramatic but it honestly wasn't. That evening I got on the bus and had to fight falling asleep. Once I made it home I went into my room and crashed. I spent Saturday fighting the same passing out feelings and puking and by Sunday I was so sick I didn't get out of bed all day. Well being the genius that I am I decided to google heat exhaustion. Sure enough I fit that profile quite perfectly. Cold skin, headache, vomiting, headache, dizziness, etc. Given that the remedy is to stay in an air conditioned room I am still not doing better. I've been chugging water and fighting the dizzy nauseous feelings all week.
Saturday was Lindsay's baby shower and it was really cute. Brazilians tell you what to bring to the baby shower. Each person gets assigned a size of diapers to bring. It's pretty genius if you ask me.
There is one child in the school who causes much distress (really this picture is nothing like him). Simon does what he wants when he wants and he's only in preschool. He runs around the school like a wild man and won't do anything unless it's his idea. They have to have people sit with him when he wants to play during classes so that he doesn't escape. The other parents are concerned and I've seen this kid in action and its scary. However, they decided to add him to our lego time. So I have taken him on. I did not expect to fall in love with this kid! He asked me to sit with him at lunch, gives me kisses, hugs, and is adorable. I love having him! I have been given the most infamous children in the school in all of my classes (hugo, netu, simielly, and now simon) and have been overwhelmed with love for each of them. It continues to reaffirm that I'm good at loving. I'm good with difficult kids. I'm ready for God to use my loving heart for any kid or person He wishes!
Last week in workshop we learned about compassion so we read the book "Hooway For Wodney Wat". It is about a rat who cannot say his r's so the other kids tease him. It's a great book and I loved reading it! I put on my best Carter accent and went for it! Then we played games that required compassion like the human knot and an obstacle course leading each other eyes closed. I'm still loving doing an glamorized story time for my workshops!
Due to some problems in art class, I have been given two more workshops on Mondays. I now teach 1st and 2nd grade as well! I love it! It made me cry when one of the kids was begging to be assigned to my class and then danced and sang "I love Teacher Brittney" all the way to the room! Have I mentioned I love teaching?
So continuing on with profiles on students we are now done with 3rd-4th grade and are moving on to 5th-6th! I wasn't originally going to have this class because I was supposed to be with level one but the class was too big to handle so they split it and gave these amazing kiddos to me! I have a very theatrical class! I love them but it takes a lot to make each class go smoothly. I have to be incredibly creative with my lesson planning but I love it! We were recently learning about New York City and Broadway so we decided to write our own Broadway play and act it out. Oh boy! It was about Coca-Cola and it was really funny! We are now moving onto more geographic information! I love love love my class!
Anna Carla
Cute isn't she? She's the size of a mini twig! She is incredibly fluent in English and is incredibly intelligent! She is really helpful to one of my students that can't spell very well. She sits right next to her and slowly goes over every word with her because she gets done before almost everyone else. She is so sweet and patient. She went to the U.S. last year to Chicago. She showed me her pictures and it sounds like she loved it a lot. Her birthday is Saturday so we will be having a party Friday! She loves to give stickers. Almost everyday I get one from this sweet thing! I love my adorable Anna Carla.
The first day in my class Netu refused to do any work. After a seriously long struggle of wills and then a pact he has become one of my best students! He still has days but we work through them and I am always sure to hug him and remind him how much I love him and how smart he is. He is one of the main reasons I work so hard to keep class interesting. He loves soccer and plans on going pro. Everything he does is related to soccer. Every story we write his name is a soccer players, every picture we draw is in someway related to soccer. He also really wants to go visit Japan. I am really loving this kid! Sometimes, after having LiLi (Olivia) in class just before him I can't believe they are brother and sister but I love them both in their individual ways. I know he will go far and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to love him!
Apologetics is sweetly whispering my name. . .
Eu te amo! (I love you)
Your loving, strict, air headed girl,
this blog has me going ooooo, teacher all the time! i even said ooooo UPS guy! he thought i was crazy!!! but you know what they say, you cant put a price tag on fun!!!! love you endlessly!